Owyhee desert. Far up the dirt road.
Forest and Greg nearby. We’re all still, on a blanket – blue, green and white stripes.
Sun, then clouds, then sun again. It’s bright, it’s warm, it’s powerful. The clouds fluffy white and the sky a brilliant blue.
The colors I see in front of me – golden, yellow, green and stone. A majestic peak and face of a mountain staring, unflinchingly, back at me.
The wind blows, but not strong. Desert grasses dance, my hair blows loose.
The sound of the wind, Forest panting, birds chirping every now and then.
I sit, I lay, I write, I think. This is right here, right now.

That was an entry in my journal from May 2, 2020, that I called ‘A Description of Right Now.’ Greg, Forest and I spent 8+ hours in the spot that you see in the photo above. We hiked around a good bit, but much of our day was spent right there. At one point I was journaling and found myself thinking a lot about the future and past, and realized that I needed to come into the present. I decided to turn the page, and write a description of right now. I tried not to think about it too much, I just wrote, and then took the photos above.
It worked well, and I am now so glad that I have those words and photos. ‘A description of right now’ just might become a thing for me :).