Here is part two of the photos from the trip my mom and I took to Longwood Gardens. Click here for part one. Enjoy!

Here is part two of the photos from the trip my mom and I took to Longwood Gardens. Click here for part one. Enjoy!
I’m going to keep the words brief today because there are many, many photos to follow. There are so many photos that I’m going to share some photos today and some tomorrow. Today’s post is not a food post – today I’m going to share a little life/photography with you.
Last week, my parents came to Philly for a visit! On Friday, my mom and I went to Longwood Gardens. The most I can say is that if you are ever in the Philly area, go to Longwood Gardens. To say that we enjoyed it would be an understatement. We determined that yes, even the boys would enjoy it. We will be making a trip back soon. It’s hard to describe the experience with words, you just need to see it:
{Come back tomorrow for more!}
Greg and I pulled out the grill for the third time this year this past weekend. We’re on a roll.
I remember when we first got our grill, and the very first times we attempted using it. I say attempted, because that’s really what it was. Neither of us had worked a charcoal grill before without other adults (our parents). The first couple of times we grilled, we used way too much or not enough charcoal and lighter fluid, disagreed on whether to keep the lid on or off while it heated up, and once, after several hours of trying to get the thing to work, we completely gave up. Well, we’ve come a long way in less than a year since having our grill, and I’m proud to say I think we now have it down. With nice weather here, we’ve been pulling the grill out on Saturdays after I work. It’s no longer a task that takes hours of planning and preparation, rather, it’s now a way for us to unwind – a way to spend a relaxing evening. And we’ve been doing just that.
We recently had a conversation about veggie burgers that is very similar to the grill story. At one point, we were scared and intimidated to make them. And admittedly, that wasn’t too long ago. Looking back, the beginnings of our veggie burger making were rough, just like the beginnings of our grilling. There was much preparation and planning put into making a veggie burger, and unfortunately, a lot of failed attempts. I wouldn’t say that we are now experts or even close, but we’ve come a long way. This Thanksgiving burger (one of my all-time favorites) is definitely a testament to that. And now, today’s burger.
I shared with you a sweet potato + black bean burger on May 1, 2013, almost exactly one year ago. I think it’s more than a coincidence that making this burger and getting the post together for another sweet potato black bean burger happened, without thinking about it, exactly one year later. It has given me a chance to see how far I’ve come. To see how I’ve improved in one year. My photos, my recipes, my blog. A part of me wants to delete the first sweet potato black bean burger post. The photos are hard to look at, there are things I’d change about the recipe and post. But luckily there is a little something telling me not to. I think I’d regret it. I’m proud of today’s recipe and post, but I need to remember, one year ago I was proud of that post. Makes me wonder how I’ll feel one year from today.
S0 yes, today, a new and improved sweet potato black bean burger. And it is darn good. A burger with a simple list of ingredients, wonderful texture and addicting taste. We made the burgers big, grilled them, and served them on brioche rolls topped with Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato and gouda cheese, and I suggest you do the same. Serve the burgers with some homemade fries (more on those next week) and a crunchy pickle. Too good to be true, really.
These burgers really hold up well. That is definitely a thing to feel good about when it comes to veggie burgers. They stayed together on the grill, so I feel confident that they’d do wonderfully baked in the oven or fried in some olive oil on the stove, as well. They also stay together when eating them – even better. I don’t know how much more I can say about these other than please try them! And if you do, let me know! Tell me on Facebook or Twitter, or leave a comment on this post.
Cheers to making improvements, slowly but surely, and to gosh darn good sweet potato black bean burgers!
Today we’re keeping things light and tasty with this simple spring salad.
I tossed mixed greens with chopped apple, zucchini, dried cranberries, walnuts, feta and an easy-to-make lemon Dijon vinaigrette.
First let’s talk salad. I don’t really know what produce to use right now. Someone fill me in. I feel like we’re in an in-between time. So, I’m cheating and bringing you apples (a little late) and zucchini (a little early). I’m breaking the rules. We can’t be perfect all the time, so break the seasonal rules with me and make this salad.
This is as simple as it gets. Chop a little, toss a little and you’re set. I keep it tossed and undressed in the fridge for several days to make packing lunches super easy and quick.
Now let’s talk dressing. If you’re already on the homemade dressing bandwagon, isn’t it great? If you aren’t but wanting to try, start with this one. It’s so easy to make and will have you wanting to leave store-bought dressings behind. This particular lemon Dijon vinaigrette is very versatile – I can’t really think of a salad I wouldn’t eat it on. The salad I made you today contains sweet ingredients like cranberry and apple and the tart, savory dressing so nicely compliments those sweet flavors.
The amounts I provide for the dressing in the recipe below are a base. Maybe you’ll want it a little sweeter, so add more honey, or maybe you’ll want it more mustard-y, so add more Dijon. Taste as you go and make it something you love.
Crisp, crunchy, sweet, tart and savory, fresh and light yet filling. That’s how I’d describe this salad. The varying flavors and textures are what make this so unique. I hope you make it and I hope you love it!
Two Saturdays ago, it was sixty degrees out. I had to work into the afternoon, but when I was done, Greg and I had plans to hike. We planned to be in the woods exploring until the sun went down. And we did. It was just what the two of us needed. After a long and cold winter, being cooped up for too long, fresh and warm air is just what we needed. We enjoyed every second of that hike, and I know we’re both looking forward to when we can do it again. I took photos that day, of trees and water, of Greg and my shoes, of waterfalls, reflections and a meadow of fresh blooms. Here are some of my favorites from the day, in no particular order.