Author Archives: Jess

Shredded Veggie Burgers

This is the fourth little veggie burger I’ve shared with you.


You see, I am obsessed with veggie burgers. I’m talking homemade veggie burgers. Burgers with loads of veggies and beans and spices and flavor. And toppings. Sometimes the toppings make the burger.



But, for the longest time, I was afraid to make veggie burgers! Yes, I was afraid. I thought veggie burger making was reserved for veggie burger gods or something. I don’t know what I was afraid of.



So finally I tried this little veggie burger. Some smashed beans, tons of veggies, and breadcrumbs and egg for binding. Easy and delicious. That is a great basic veggie burger. Then, I got a little more adventurous with this sweet potato burger. I wanted to make a super quick, and also vegan burger. It worked! I love those burgers, with not as many veggies but with tons of delicious sweet potato. And then this corn + pepper burger happened. Because corn and summer and it just seemed right. It is similar to the first one I made, but the corn makes it even more awesome.



This past weekend my parents came to Philly for a little visit (we had so much fun!). We did a little touring of Independence Hall and then we ate at the National Mechanics restaurant. OMG, it was so good. There were so many things on the menu that I wanted to order, I just couldn’t decide. Greg was deciding between the veggie burger and the crab cake sandwich, so I told him that I would order whichever he didn’t and we could try each others. He ordered the veggie burger so I ordered the crab cake sandwich. Our meals came out and I just stared at his burger, in total jealousy.


That thing looked too amazing. Of course, everyone at the table noticed my stare (and shared a laugh) and Greg reassured me that we could really share.


The burger was all veggies and no beans. The veggies were shredded. And it looked messy. It looked messy but tasted delicious. I wanted so badly to recreate it.


So, this was my attempt, and I think it turned out really well. These burgers are awesome! Shredded zucchini and carrots with garlic, broccoli and mushrooms. Some flour and egg and that is it! They are sort of like crispy veggie patties, but I really don’t like the word “patties” so I’ll just stick with burger.


Also, I apologize for the bun-less and topping-less photos, but to be honest, these are so good without buns or toppings! And I know I said above that toppings many times make a burger, but these needed none for me. We ate some of these burgers bun-less and all of them topping-less!


If you love veggie burgers or even if you don’t, I think you will love these. These work great as a burger main dish with sides but would also work great as a side dish. No matter how you have them, I hope that you enjoy!


3 medium zucchini
2 medium carrots
2 cups raw mushrooms
2 cups raw broccoli
Olive oil
1 large garlic clove
1 cup flour
2 eggs

In a food processor, shred the zucchini and carrots. Place in a large bowl and set aside.

Chop the mushrooms and broccoli. In a pan over medium heat, add about 1 tablespoon olive oil. Once hot, add the minced garlic, then the mushrooms and broccoli. Stir around, and cook for several minutes, until the veggies just begin to get soft. Add the broccoli/mushroom mixture to a food processor and pulse several times, just to break the veggies up a bit.

Add the broccoli/mushroom mixture to the bowl with the zucchini and carrots. Also add the flour and eggs. Mix well, to combine.

Add olive oil to a pan over medium-high heat and once hot, add veggies that have been formed into patties. I “pattied” the veggies as I was adding them to the pan, rather than before. Cook about 7 minutes on each side, or until not longer mushy and crispy and nicely browned. I cooked these longer than other veggie burgers just to ensure that all the egg was cooked through.


Mushroom + Onion Pizza with Simple Tomato Sauce

Tell me, who doesn’t love pizza?


When we can, we have bonfire get-togethers at my mom and dads house. We have my friends, my brothers friends, family, family friends, anyone who can come.


They are always so much fun. There are always several games of bocce ball, can jam, and a new favorite, ping pong. There are plenty of good drinks to go around as well as good food. For a while, we would do what we call “gourmet mountain pies.” We would make mountain pie combos like veggies with feta, fresh raspberries with sweet cream, and apricot with walnuts and Gorgonzola cheese. Yes, they are as good as they sound.


Lately though, we’ve been going the easy route and ordering a bunch of pizza. The normal favorites are buffalo chicken, Philly cheesesteak and pepperoni, but lately, my brother and his friends have been obsessing over mushroom and onion pizza. I tried it, and really love the combo too!


It’s not often that I crave red sauce on pizza. I love it, I really do, and I would gladly eat red sauce pizza at any time. But it seems that when I’m making pizza I put maybe just some olive oil and garlic as the sauce, or some pesto.


But, I’ve been thinking, and I really wanted to create a super simple red sauce that I could easily make anytime the red sauce craving hits.


This sauce is so simple and also customizable. I put 1 tablespoon of sugar in it to add just a touch of sweetness, but I know that a lot of people in my family like sweet red sauce so I would say just add more sugar! Add things, don’t add things, exactly to your taste. The process is easy and simple but make the flavor just for you.


I know I’ve talked a bit about not having a food processor, but I now have one (thanks mom!). That is what makes this sauce so easy. I don’t think that my particular blender would have worked for this because it doesn’t have high enough power, but if you don’t have a food processor, and feel that your blender would work, you could try that.


Also, I highly suggest the mushroom + onion combo. And I highly suggest cooking your veggies for this pizza in wine. O yes. It is so great. But, for all the non-mushroom lovers, still try the sauce, and still cook your toppings of choice in wine. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. 🙂


This is enough for one pizza
1 prepared pizza crust (I used a pre-made one from market)
1 large onion
2 cups mushrooms
Olive oil
White wine
1 – 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese for topping, if desired
For the sauce:
3 large tomatoes
6 oz. tomato paste
2 large garlic cloves
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 tablespoon dried oregano
1/2 tablespoon dried basil

For the sauce, add the tomatoes, tomato paste and garlic to a food processor. Process on high, until the sauce is smooth, with only very small chunks.

Add the sauce to a pot over medium heat on the stove. Add the brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, salt, oregano and basil and stir and bring to a simmer. Let the sauce cook, over low heat, while you prepare the rest of the pizza.

Preheat the oven to 400*.

Chop the mushrooms and slice the onion. Add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil to a pan over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, add the onions and let cook about five minutes, until softened and slightly browned. Add the mushrooms, stir a cook for several more minutes. With the heat still on medium-high, add a good splash of white wine to the veggies. It should simmer and evaporate pretty quickly with the high heat. Add another splash, if desired, and again let it cook away.

Spoon the sauce on the prepared pizza crust. I used about 4 ladle-fulls of sauce, but use as much as you prefer. Top the sauce with cheese. I used about 1-1/4 cup of mozzarella but use as much as you please and your favorite type. Top the pizza with the veggies. I then sprinkled a small amount of grated Parmesan on top of the veggies.

Bake the pizza in the oven for 10-20 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and crust is done. My crust was baked and ready to go when I topped it, but got soggy from the sauce so needed 20 minutes to bake. Use your judgement on cooking time depending on your crust.


Rosemary + Goat Cheese Twice Baked Potatoes

I am so excited today.


I’m excited because I finally get to share this recipe with you!


I made these little twice baked potatoes on Friday, but this recipe has been long in the making. Let me start from the beginning.


My mom, dad, brother and I have a Christmas morning brunch tradition. It started years ago when we decided to stop exchanging gifts. In a search for a new December 25 tradition, my mom and I decided on a nice brunch.

It works out for everyone. My mom and I get to cook together and my brother gets to sleep in as late as he wants. Christmas brunch is the best tradition.


I can’t remember exactly the first year we did this, but we have had the same menu every year. It doesn’t need to change. It is so perfect. And I think about it all year long. We make stuffed french toast (maybe I’ll share that recipe with you someday too) and rosemary potatoes.


The rosemary potatoes are undoubtedly my favorite part. They have to be one of my favorite things, ever, actually. The thing is, we never make them, except on Christmas morning.


So, a few weeks ago, I asked my mom for the recipe, wanting to share on here, and also wanting to have the potatoes to eat, thinking I couldn’t possibly wait another five months to have them again.

She sent the recipe and I was so excited. And then I made a mistake. I decided that I would try to “lighten” the recipe up a bit. I use the word lighten loosely, because if you know me, you know I don’t like “light” things. If I’m eating something, I want the real, full version. The real version is always so much better. But, I thought, I will try to summer-ize these potatoes. I will take them from winter-time comfort food to something a bit lighter for summer.


Let’s just say: big mistake.


The potatoes were lighter. They were more summery. But they weren’t as memorable. They didn’t leave me feeling like I had just eaten one of the best things in my life. They were sustenance, and we ate them. But they didn’t touch the original. Sometimes butter, cream and cheese are totally worth it.


So, I set the idea aside for a bit. And then, one day, this idea came to me. What if I added the great taste of the original rosemary potatoes into little twice baked potatoes.


And without even trying, I did end up making the recipe lighter. In these twice baked potatoes, there is no butter or cream and there is only a small amount of cheese per potato.


But they seem to posses the same magic as Christmas brunch potatoes. They aren’t trying to be a lighter version of them. They are their own new delicious form of rosemary potato.

And if you ask me, no flavor goes with potatoes quite like rosemary does. And in these, add caramelized shallots and goat cheese and you’re in complete bliss.


Not enough good words could be said about these. Greg said they they are “one of the best things ever” and he could eat them every single day.


If you use small potatoes, they are perfectly pop-able and would make the perfect appetizer. I had some small potatoes and some larger ones, that needed to be eaten with a fork and a knife, and I definitely preferred the smaller.

While most twice baked potatoes are filled with butter and cheese, these use olive oil instead, and a smaller amount of cheese. They are not difficult, but do take some work. Once the potatoes are done baking, you do need to scoop out the insides, but that is the most time consuming part. Once that is done, just mash some ingredients together, fill the potatoes back up and put them in oven to finish baking. The taste of these makes the small amount of work totally worth it.


I will say that these have to be one of my favorite recipes on this blog. I hope that you get to try them and enjoy them as much as I do!


6 – 10 small to medium potatoes (I used red potatoes)
8 small to medium shallots
Olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped
2/3 cup goat cheese
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Dried parsley and additional goat cheese for topping, if desired

Preheat oven to 400*. Wash and dry potatoes. Pierce each with a fork and place on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for 45 – 80 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes. When done, potatoes should be soft when gently pierced with a fork.

While potatoes are roasting, thinly slice shallots and chop rosemary. In a small saucepan, heat 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook for about 10 minutes, until they are soft and slightly browned. Add rosemary and cook an additional 5 minutes. Once done, remove from heat and set aside.

When potatoes are done roasting, let cool for about 5 minutes, if desired. I got to work on them right away because it is best to not let them sit long. Carefully cut each potato in half, and using a small spoon, scoop out the inside bulk of the potato. Add the insides of the potatoes to a bowl. When all potatoes are scooped out, add the goat cheese, shallots, salt and pepper to the bowl with the insides of the potatoes. Using a potato masher or fork, mash the mixture together until no large chunks remain and all ingredients are well combined. Scoop the potato mixture into each scooped-out potato skin, filling each to the top.

Bake in a 400* oven for about 15 minutes, or until heated through and slightly golden brown.

To serve, sprinkle with additional goat cheese and dried parsley, if desired.


Squash + Corn + Onion Cabbage Wraps

I’ve got another little cabbage wrap recipe to share with you!


These shrimp + veggie cabbage wraps were so delicious, but they do involve a bit of work to prepare. These ones, just as good, require less work. They come together easily but still have amazing flavor.



Let me tell yow how easy these are.


Make some quinoa. Quinoa is so simple. It’s like rice, but takes less time. Rinse quinoa, boil quinoa, cover and let cook for 20 minutes. That’s it for the quinoa.



While that’s happening, if you have a grill, grill the corn. If you don’t, like me, broil or roast the corn in the oven. If you broil it, it doesn’t take long at all.


Chop the squash. I cut each of mine in half, long-ways, and then chopped it from there. Also, slice the onions and peel the garlic. Into a pan: olive oil, garlic and onion. Cook and then add the squash. Cook some more, add the corn and then taste-test one of the best veggie dishes ever.


Blanch the cabbage. It’s simple, really. Don’t be afraid to do this.


Pile ingredients onto cabbage, roll, then dig in. Eat, then repeat. It’s that simple!


This simple summery meal is delicious, healthy and takes no time at all. Enjoy!


2 cups water (or stock of your choice)
1 cup quinoa
Olive oil
1 large garlic clove
4 large spring onions
2-3 cups chopped squash
2 ears of corn
Cabbage leaves, one per wrap
Soy sauce, optional

Start with the quinoa. Rinse one cup of quinoa thoroughly in a fine mesh strainer. Add the rinsed quinoa and water (or stock) to a medium pot over high heat. Bring to a boil, stir once, cover and turn heat to low. Let quinoa simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until all water is absorbed and quinoa is light and fluffy.

While quinoa is cooking, brush two ears of corn with olive oil. Place under the broiler for 5-10 minutes, or until golden brown. Alternatively, grill the corn. Once the corn is down, let cool then remove the kernels from the cob.

Also while quinoa is cooking, add about 2 tablespoons olive oil to a large pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook for a few minutes. Add the onions and cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes, or until onions start to get soft. Add the squash and cook for about 10 minutes, or until squash is soft or at the tenderness you prefer. Once done, add corn and remove from heat.

To blanch the cabbage: Prepare a large bowl of ice water and set aside. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Place the cabbage leaves into the boiling water and blanch for about 1 minute. Remove the leaves and place into the ice water. I did two leaves at a time, but you may do more depending on the size of your pot. Pat the leaves dry with paper towels.

To assemble the wraps, place a blanched cabbage leaf on a plate. Top with quinoa, a drizzle of soy sauce, if preferred, and the veggies. Fold over the bottom edge of the leaf and then fold in one of the sides. Begin rolling and tucking in the other side as you roll. It may be messy while eating.


Week in Photos

Happy Friday!

Everyone’s talking about it, so I will too: it’s hot! I hope that you are finding ways to enjoy it (or tolerate it) and that some cool-ness finds us all soon. 🙂 I’m trying to keep it cool around here with endless glasses of this refreshing lemonade. 🙂

Please enjoy a couple of photos from my week and please enjoy whatever it is that you do this weekend!

{Ivy. Will never get over the cuteness. :)}


{This ice cream. There is no better treat than ice cream, especially during a week like this one.}


{These flowers. I can’t get over how beautiful they are. I’ve really enjoyed them this week.}


{This market. Where I’ll be working Thursdays. I’m slowly but surely finding opportunity in Philly. :)}


Talk to you Monday!