Tag Archives: Life

Week in Photos

Thank goodness it is Saturday!

I am all about cherishing each and every moment of life, but sometimes you just want a day to be over. That is how I felt every single day this past week.

But now, Saturday. And a chance to slow down. If even just for a day, maybe that’s all I really need.

Even a less than ideal week always brings things to appreciate. Please enjoy, five little things that made my week.

{This. From my sweetie.}


{I’m obsessed with these. They couldn’t be better.}


{Another gift I received. I’m lucky.}


{These pretty sprinkles. They go with something I’ll show you next week.}


{This wine. I was photographing it for an upcoming post. See the towel above 🙂 }


*Just as I’m posting this, I notice 3/5 of my photos have wine in them. That’s okay, right? 🙂

Enjoy your weekend!

A Walk Through Rittenhouse Square

Today I’m showing you another little piece of Philadelphia.

Rittenhouse Square.

The day I was there? Warm and sunny. A little breezy. A Tuesday. People walking, talking, reading, guitar playing, people watching. And me, capturing it.

Here are some of my favorites from the walk.








Week in Photos

Happy Saturday everyone!

I am on a mini vacation in Washington, D.C., today following a week of spring break (my last one ever!) spent in Philadelphia. I had such an enjoyable time and while there were so many wonderful things about my week, here are five special things I’ll share with you.

{This. Because it was a success.}


{This window sill. Because I love these plants and their owner.}


{This breakfast. Before and after.}



{This little guy.}


{This place. A preview of what’s to come.}


What little things made your week?

Thoughts on a Friday

Today I want to share some thoughts with you on photography.

I am taking a photography class right now and one assignment was based on levitation photography.

For anyone who isn’t quite sure what it is (as I wasn’t about a month ago), I will explain.

Levitation photography aims to make people (or objects) appear as if they are floating in a scene in a photograph.

You will not see a good example of it here. You will, however, with a quick Google search.

I was to produce two levitation photographs.  Here are the images I came up with:

Clevenger_Final_Levitation_001 Clevenger_Final_Levitation_002

Honestly, they are not great. I am happy with them, for it being my first levitation experience, however, they are just not good examples of what can really be done with this type of photography.

This type of photography takes a lot of planning, a lot of knowledge of Photoshop and a great desire to edit and manipulate photographs.

What I described is not me.

I don’t particularly love planning photographs. I feel like my photographs of people turn out better when unplanned. When it is candid and shot because the moment is something that you feel you want to capture. Because it is something beautiful to you. Something that doesn’t need editing, let alone heavy manipulation.

It does seem that people are able to produce absolutely beautiful levitation shots. And that is such a great thing. It takes a lot of talent. And I’m so glad that some people are good at that. We get to see some beautiful photos because of that.

I am grateful for the experience of taking this class, and grateful for the fact that I will leave knowing more than when I came. I know that when it comes to photography, I will never stop learning. But what I’ve learned from this, I don’t love levitation/heavy photo editing.

I shared with you a couple of weeks ago a before shot of one of my levitation photos. Here it is again. I like it so much better than the edited one above.


When it comes to people, I love candidness. And when it comes to food, I want to show you what the food I eat looks like. With places, I want to show you how beautiful they are, naturally. That’s what I like. And that’s what I’m going to stick with for now.

What are your thoughts on photography? What type do you enjoy? How much editing do you like to do?

Another thought: today marks one month since my first post as The Dreaming Foodie.

I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my thoughts, ideas, food and photos with you for the last month and I thank you for reading!

Wissahickon Walk

Greg lives in a great part of Philly. He can take a three minute walk to a station and get on a train that takes him to Center City in 15 minutes. He has a great market that is only a 10 minute walk away. He lives right near two great towns with local shops and restaurants. And, he lives close to several entrances of Wissahickon Park.

Being in the city is great, but it is so nice to have such a close escape. Here are some photos from a walk we took one seasonably warm day in January.






