Here is part two of the photos from the trip my mom and I took to Longwood Gardens. Click here for part one. Enjoy!

Longwood Gardens: Part Two
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Here is part two of the photos from the trip my mom and I took to Longwood Gardens. Click here for part one. Enjoy!
I’m going to keep the words brief today because there are many, many photos to follow. There are so many photos that I’m going to share some photos today and some tomorrow. Today’s post is not a food post – today I’m going to share a little life/photography with you.
Last week, my parents came to Philly for a visit! On Friday, my mom and I went to Longwood Gardens. The most I can say is that if you are ever in the Philly area, go to Longwood Gardens. To say that we enjoyed it would be an understatement. We determined that yes, even the boys would enjoy it. We will be making a trip back soon. It’s hard to describe the experience with words, you just need to see it:
{Come back tomorrow for more!}