Hey everyone! How are you on this Saturday? It’s been so long since I’ve talked to you on a Saturday. It’s also been so long since I’ve posted a Week in Photos post. I keep intending to, and then when I look at the photos I’ve taken throughout the week, there are none. I think that now that I am busier, there isn’t as much time to think about picking up my camera before doing or eating something. I am on a more strict schedule and things like taking pictures of the food I eat or taking a million photos of Ivy are falling to the wayside. 
Anyway, I thought I would post a little update today with things I’ve been up to/things I’ve been loving, for anyone who’s interested. Enjoy your Saturday!
What I’ve been doing:
-I had my last market in Mt. Airy on Thursday. Here are some photos. I’ll miss it!

-We planted a garden! It was so much fun. I totally get why people love gardening. It is great exercise and relaxing. It just gives you an overall great feeling. I love our little fall garden, and it makes me think of having an even bigger one someday! We planted: beets, radishes, turnips, arugula, romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. So, one problem. Rabbits ate our greens! Yep, all of the lettuce, spinach and kale. We are working on fixing it. I’ll keep you posted!

-We are still working on the moving process. We still have things to do like decide where we want photos hung, organizing closets/boxes and finding a couple of things we still need to buy. It’s keeping us busy but like I’ve said before, Greg and I really love it here! I really want to post some photos soon :).
Food things I’m loving lately (no pictures!):
Zsa’s buttered brown sugar peach ice cream. I picked up a sample size cup of it at Weaver’s Way and oh my goodness, best ice cream ever. I have tried several flavors of Zsa’s and this was by far my favorite. I was just thinking that besides the one week I spent at the beach earlier in the summer (where I ate ice cream every single day), I haven’t had enough ice cream this summer. That needs to change with what is left of warm days.
Trader Joe’s Everyday Seasoning. I bought this several months ago, not really having a plan for it, but I went through it so fast! I have been cutting tortillas in triangles, spraying them with a bit of canola oil spray, giving them a good sprinkle of TJ’s Everyday Seasoning and then baking them in a 400* oven for 5-10 minutes or until crispy. I’ve been doing that instead of buying tortilla chips and they are just so good with that seasoning! (Can’t find a link for it, but look for it at TJ’s next time you’re there!)
Star Hill Brewery beer. Greg picked me up from work last weekend with a surprise in the back seat. And it was beer! There is no better surprise than that, right? It was from Star Hill Brewery in Charlottesville, Virginia. It was special for several reasons. 1) We have never tried it before and it’s always exciting to try a new beer, especially when it’s a surprise. 2) I have talked about visiting Charlottesville for so long now. We haven’t made it yet, but I hope to soon, and drinking beer from there was a good alternative to actually going there.
Now, when we do go to Charlottesville, I want to visit the brewery :). We had a variety pack – a wheat beer, a pilsner, an IPA and a pale ale. They were all great!
Lancaster Farm Fresh CSA. Greg’s lab-mate and friend, Kate, got married last weekend and is now away enjoying a two week honeymoon! So, what that means for us is Kate and her husbands’ CSA share for two weeks! Yes, Kate so kindly asked Greg if we would like their share for the two weeks they are away. It was so exciting going to pick it up, having no idea what would be waiting for us in the boxes. It was seriously like Christmas morning! So fun, and we got so much amazing produce!
This hummus. Greg and I made it last weekend, then sat on the living room floor, ate it, drank beer and starting watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. The hummus was good, and so was the evening.

This pasta salad. I made it one evening earlier in the week and we enjoyed it for several dinners and lunches throughout. Made delicious with fresh Three Springs yellow peaches and heirloom tomatoes!

And, not really food, but had to do with the blog, this new fabric. I got it for free! at a yard sale and was hoping to use it in some photos. I definitely don’t think it would go with everything, or even most things, but I used in this post, here. What do you think? Do you like it or is it too much? Let me know!

And, I do have two week in photo style photos to share with you.
{Because I just couldn’t help it. They are just so pretty!}
{I had to. He is loving the new place. He has many favorite napping spots but we’ll often just find him sprawled out resting in the middle of a room. :)}

Happy weekend! 
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